I have never bought this local mag GLAM but whenever I find them at hair salon, spa, hotel, etc, I would try never to miss reading them. But buying them, aku rasa mcm kureng sikit sbb penuh dgn glossy pages of ads aje rasanya even though some articles and features write-ups are pretty interesting readings.
I borrowed this mag of GLAM with Ziana Zain as cover girl from my good friend Zurinah and enjoyed the write-up on anti-aging creams and serums.
Tak silap penulis was talking about, how a lot of women out there, after having kids mostly, fail to take care of their face and skin that leaves them looking haggard and allowing fine lines and lines to appear. To me, it's not just the lines, fine lines or wrinkles etc, tp biasalah, bila dah ada anak, focus utk jaga diri sendiri dah kureng. Lebih pada rumah tangga, anak2 apatah lagi kalu bajet asyik lari aje kan.
The write was pointing out that after 35, serums and anti aging creams are the most importance before we reach 40 so that the fine lines, wrinkles or watever yg sememangnya memang akan keluar dan wujud, (tu tak masuk lagi brown spots, and entah apa2 lagi kan yg akan emerge on our skin) tak la nampak sgt dan bole di bendung la...
There are thousands of stuff in the market. Suit your budget. I personally take a lot of things, either eating them, or applying them on my face and skin just for maintenance. I have put up here on my blog on the sides. Hakikatnya, kita sebagai wanita, tepuk dada tanya selera. Dan jangan la takut utk ketepikan sikit duit dan bajet untuk diri sendiri.
Personally, I have used Body Shop's anti-aging whitening (Shiso) serum, twice, i.e. two bottles before I changed into SKII's celluminization essence. Yes SKII is much more pricey than Body Shop's so I have to budget nicely when my facial stuff is running out of stock.
p/s I often put up at my FB status for those interested to buy SKII products at discounted prices.